Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Stats

Numbers matter. No matter what anyone says. They tell us where we've come from, where we are and how we're doing when we can't "see" or "feel" it. On days that I "feel" fat, the number on the scale might make me feel better.

Sure, it goes both ways. I might be feeling great and then step on the scale to see a gain and want to throw myself off a bridge. (Yes, I can be a little dramatic at times. So?) But then there are other things to give me a reality check. Like taking measurements, or looking at how far I've come from the beginning.

For me, numbers are usually a GOOD thing.

So I figured I'd better start with some. I know a lot of women are really uncomfortable sharing their weight. And sometimes I feel that way too. But really, what are we trying to hide? It's not like you can't figure out that I'm fat by looking at me! So who cares if the number confirms it!

I will be recording some starting numbers today. And then I'll check in weekly with new numbers to show my progress and keep those numbers on my sidebar. Easy enough?

So here they are:

My highest weight ever: 245 pounds
(9 months pregnant with Lucas)
My "starting" weight: 219.6 pounds
(this is what I weighed in September when I decided I needed to put some effort into this weight loss thing again)
My current weight: 198.6 pounds
(That's right! Since September I've lost a total of 21 pounds! That's with vacations, a major food holiday, and lots of parties in between!! Feeling pretty good!)
My goal weight: 130 pounds
(For my height I should weigh between 120 and 160 pounds. I've set my personal goal at 130 pounds. If I get close and need to adjust, up OR down, I will. But for now, that's the number I'm reaching for!)

As for measurements, I didn't actually think to take these at first. So as of today, here they are:

Bicep: 13.5 inches
Chest: 44.75 inches
Waist: 39 inches
Hips: 48.75 inches
Thighs: 29.5 inches

Yikes! Those are some BIG numbers!! But hopefully when I take measurements again, they'll be a little lower, right? Right.

I guess I should establish a check in day. Mondays are always good, right? So Monday morning it is! Can't wait to see my progress on Monday!!

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