Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Plan

Here's the deal. I've bounced around from diet to diet. Dabbled in a little of everything. And they all work. As long as you're doing them. The second you stop, the weight comes right back, right? There are low carb/high protein diets, there's cutting dairy, there is the raw diet, there's the food guide pyramid or there's the plate, and there are all kinds of other ideas out there.

Just type "diet" into your google search and you'll find links to South Beach, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, hCG, and that's not even all that are on the first page!! Check out this list to see how much crazy is out there. That's a list of 90 different diet trends! NINETY!!!!!!

This shouldn't be so complicated! The ONLY thing that works is the tried and true "eat healthy and exercise" plan. So that's my plan. To simply make healthy choices. I'm just sticking with the basics:

I'm drinking LOTS of water.

I'm eating protein (beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs), lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain breads and pastas, brown and wild rice, couscous, quinoa, etc.), and low fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese, and skim milk).

I'm watching my portions.

I'm MOVING my body. My goal right now is just to get 30 minutes of exercise in three times per week. Eventually I'll do more, but for now, at least I'm doing something!!

I'm not limiting anything! I have chocolate in my house and if there's a birthday party you can bet I'll be eating cake.

And last, I'm taking a multi-vitamin. Because I'm breastfeeding. And because it's just common sense!

When you lay it out like that it seems so easy. But the truth is: bad habits and emotions and hectic schedules and cravings definitely come into play. A lot. But I've got to find ways around all of that if this is going to last. I have to figure out what I'm going to do if I've had a bad day or if I'm stuck out running kids around and can't make a home cooked healthy meal.

But it's possible! I can do this. I've got a plan. :)

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